This was our first Valentines Day as husband and wife. And he out did himself. Let me preface. As a child, I was HORSE crazy. As most little girls are. I wanted a pony so badly. It was my very existence. When I was about 12 or 13 my dad and his wife at the time bought a horse. She was nuts. She had previously been abused and had a history of erratic behavior. Shortly after she came home they bought another horse, who was mellow and sweet and easy. My step-sister and I were out in the corral every day. We would have slept out there if our parents would have let us. Eventually we joined a 4-h club and horses were our lives. I honestly think having a horse kept me from getting into trouble. I loved every minute of my horse life. Well, sadly, all good things must come to an end, and my dad and his wife split. We moved to Seattle and she kept my horse.
I always wanted a horse again someday. In fact I can recall a few conversations with Marty where I mentioned this. Well, being the amazing person he is, he held onto those words.
Enter a buckskin pony with a big heart and no job. He belonged to the brother of a guy who Marty works with. He was living his life away in a pasture doing nothin'. With permission of his owner I began going out to visit him. I'd take him some apples and carrots and spend some time just hanging out with him. We'd been told he was for sale, but at a price that was out of our range. Fast forward to February, he was offered to Marty at a price he couldn't resist.

And that's how Twister became my Valentine from Marty.

We are working on getting a good bond and had our first ride this last sunday. I have some video I'll post this week, I promise!