Saturday, December 27, 2008

To sew

Both of my Granny's were excellent seamstresses. Through both of them I managed to pick up some basic sewing skills. And when I say basic I mean, I can thread the machine and I can sew in an almost straight line. Needless to say I need more practice. My good friend Allison is an excellent sewer (is that a word?) She even has, *GASP* a serger! I'm a little jealous. We have plans to make a quilt together.

Lately I have become obsessed with sewing, as you can see by the amount of sewing blogs I read on a daily basis I mind you. The idea of crafting my own clothes is VERY appealing to me.

For Christmas I made 4 pairs of PJ bottoms for my nephews and brother and sister in law. They turned out okay. Can I just tell you I hate, no despise, okay, dislike sewing on fleece very much. Uh, yeah, you can't iron that sh*t stuff. It was good for me to try something this simple to get back into the sewing swing of things.

This last summer I was at an estate sale and picked up a few vintage patterns. I intend to try one out soon. They are simple summery dresses. So I have between now and summer to try and get one done.

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