There has been much conversation lately about the future. Where we are going, where we want to go, and more seemingly how we are going to get there. Marty and I think about the future often. Or I guess I should say we daydream about the future. We both have longing for something more. More creative. More fitting to our natures. More rewarding.
We both have our dreams and desires. We both think we know what will fill that gap between just a job and really pursuing our dreams. The conversations have been about that pursuit. They’ve been deep and serious, silly and full of laughter, quiet and reflective.
What may be more spiritually uplifting and rewarding may not be more financially rewarding, and that is scary. It is not just “us” we have to take care of… We have responsibilities that need to be at the forefront of our minds. We have a son who will be in college next year, and three more to follow in the next several years. And there is talk of adding another in the near future. But that’s another post.
Sometimes I think we get so accustom to what is comfortable, or maybe that’s just me, but we lose track of those dreams. We feel secure and safe and taking a risk, well is risky. I’m a “play it safe” kinda girl. I have always been and most likely will always be. Risk is change, and change is different, and different is not what I know and am comfortable with, and “oh my gosh” I’m overwhelmed. So, naturally, I am hesitant, and realistic and maybe even downright negative. My amazing Husband is a risk taker. He’s bold and daring, and has really challenged me to think about our future and taking a risk. I admire him so much.
We have been talking, but we’ve also been praying. Praying for God to show us our future. Set us on our path when the timing is right. To place a fork in the road to an opportunity, an opportunity to pursue those dreams we have and turn them into reality.
I feel change on the horizon.